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EJ Strategies' Elie Jacobs is a sought after analyst on American and Israeli political and national security issues. A frequent radio and television guest, he regularly contributes opinion pieces to a variety of publications.
To book him, please click here.
Be sure to check out "Taking Ship" the podcast Elie co-hosts.
For some of Elie's recent television appearances please click here
Regular contributor
Regular contributor
Special Report: US Election - Political Campaigns and Social Media
Special Report: Trump's tweets: a new form of corporate risk
"4 Steps to Clearer Communications"
"Donald Trump's AIPAC Hypocrisy"
"Speak softly and don't mention impeachment"
"Israel, Iran locked in escalating cyber war" (quoted)
"Donald Trump vs. Reality: If the Donald doesn't know a thing, then it must be truly unknowable"
"Start up nation or Challenger Two?" (contributed)
"A yawning chasm" (contributed)
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